

Project Partners

We are engaged in joint service and participatory research with the following project partners: 

  • World Ethic Forum - Radically shared aliveness: How do we come to a new responsibility and life-affirming relationship with ourselves, each other and the natural world?"

  • Global Ecovillage Network - Ecovillage Resilience +2.5 Project: What can ecovillages nurture today to be more resilient tomorrow? 

  • Coeurage - With courage and empathy: How can we as a society enable ourselves to become aware of sexualized violence against children and build collective capacity to transform the dynamics that perpetuate this violence?

  • Climate Youth Negotiators Program - Preparation for COP27: What if we could better prepare and enable young people to participate in multilateral climate change negotiations?

These partners are part of a wider participatory action research inquiry initiated and stewarded by Collective Transitions, that explores how to navigate complexity and cultivate collective capacities to enliven dormant potential for coshaping systems towards greater inclusion, health and wholeness. 

The research aims to illuminate and cultivate shared leadership and accelerate organizational development and effectiveness through surfacing, articulating, and embodying individual and collective capacities and practices that are needed for navigating complex challenges and uncharted territories. The emergent learning contributes towards storytelling shared with a wider network, and capacity building formats for their organizational and topic-related context including shared language, tools and practices.
To learn more about how to be a project and research partner, email


Collaborative Partners 

  • The STOA: “The Stoa is a place.”  In the fall, we will host a regular system sensing practice space within its community of practice as well as inquiry-led dialogues. Stay tuned in our newsletter and calendar for more info.

  • Action Research Plus (AR+): Connecting and supporting action researchers for transformation. We are AR+ members and practitioners

  • Trans4m: Trans4m is a passionate enabler and a catalyst of a new integral theory and practice, supporting individuals, organizations, communities and societies to engage in carefully designed processes for individual and collective transformation.

  • Nile Journeys: Nurturing Impulses For Living Ecosystems. The NILE journeys is a platform of the Nile basin communities working on regenerating the land, the river, and the society. 

  • Beloved Economies: Beloved Economies offers readers seven specific practices as a springboard for changing how we work. As the book reveals, it’s not only what we do, but how we do it that can be a powerful lever to move us into economies that all of us can love. Co-learning community.