

Collective Transitions offers hands-on, engaged, and customized solutions for leaders and organizations working at the forefront of social innovation and systems change. We help you navigate challenging and delicate dynamics to both achieve your goals for the systems you engage with, and your own leadership development. 

In a stewardship, we provide care for the whole by paying attention to the multiple aspects of a system, issue or organization and their relationships to one another. We help clients find points of leverage –– where shift is possible or tension can be released and/or where restorative moments or connections can be made. We work with you to create and cultivate the right preconditions for the work to succeed. 

The interconnected four spheres framework is our compass for creating long-lasting, transformation and collective change. By reconnecting with nature, becoming aware of patterns created by our cultural inheritance, developing ways of navigating complexities, and creating collaborative learning spaces, we enable clients to reach their full potential. 

See below for examples of stewardship packages:

  • Organizational Crisis Management

  • Conscious Startup

  • Conscious Closure

What to expect from our Stewardship service:

  • We listen

  • We ask questions

  • We invite co-creation

  • We offer trust

  • We work with what is

  • We work and support towards what is potential

  • We acknowledge what is difficult and painful

  • We include diverse voices

  • We include the subtle

  • We enhance other ways of knowing 

  • We walk along-side you

  • We take time to get to know each other

  • We take time to understand the deeper layers and multiple issues at play. 

  • We are present to and listen deeply for what is said and also for what may be yearning to be heard, acknowledged and integrated but is not yet visible or explicit.

  • We emphasize both the inner and the outer work

  • We help to cultivate inner alignment that leads to outer congruence

  • We work with creativity and other and divers forms of expressions

  • We care for healing as much as concrete action steps


Organizational Crisis Management

As the leader or member of a team or organization, you may find yourself “lost at sea,” or at a point of breakdown where operations shift into survival mode. Collective Transitions will work alongside you, like another boat bringing stability, orientation, and buoyancy so you and your organization can navigate to “calmer waters.”

Using our System Sensing approach and other tools, we help you to better orient in the unknown; understand and shift current and deeply ingrained dynamics; and account for what’s working, while clarifying options, strategic pathways, and concrete actions to take. Depending on your needs and context, we can also curate an interim support team from our expanded network with specialized skills in management, communication, design, operations, or other areas, to provide short-term crisis relief.

Program Options: 

This package involves a close collaboration for several weeks, with full time access to Collective Transitions leads.

Let’s explore together in an initial consultation on how Collective Transitions can support your organization to navigate through a moment of acute stress and difficulty or unique time-bound challenges.


Conscious Start up

How can you ensure your new initiative is relevant, successful and impactful, and, most importantly, aligned to your deepest purpose? What learnings do you, as a founder, bring to your new venture, and what needs to be first cleared and acknowledged from the past, for this new intention to fully land, take root, and thrive? 

Precision, right pacing, and integrity are important elements in the initial stages. With our System Sensing approach, we work closely with you to design, develop, and fine-tune your project, organization or business concept and co-create the conditions for a generative inner work culture. By integrating and distilling the valuable learning of previous experiences, and taking time to shape the blueprint of the initiative or organization consciously together, we ensure setting the right tone for a long term success, both as a team internally and how your effort is expressed out in the world.  

We provide stewardship, accompaniment, and support for the translation of an organization’s values into action, aligning the “what” with the “how.” 

Program Options: 

This package involves an individualized and tailored design process for 6 weeks or up to 6 months.

We can discuss in our initial consultation how we can help provide you the best foundation for meaningful and relevant success aligned with purpose and integrity.


Conscious Closure

The strategic complexities of a transition or the ending of a chapter can be overwhelming or triggering, especially for founders and long-term team members. It may be difficult to acknowledge something has come to an end, or is ready to transition from historical processes or patterns, as these may bring up feelings that something has gone wrong. 

These are special and important moments to call on our inner courage, as well as our compassion. Collective Transitions provides accompaniment and support for individuals and organizations going through the process of letting go, grieving, and consciously closing an established structure, phase of effort, or way of functioning. 

Conscious closure offers space to pause to acknowledge the past, to clarify what feels unresolved, and to celebrate accomplishments that happened along the way. Acknowledgement of “what was” allows any loose ends to find peace, creating “healthy soil” for new beginnings that may follow. Dedicating time for reflection and discernment becomes important — especially when starting something new — to consciously decide what is ready to be let go and what can be carried through to the new phase. Being held and witnessed supports the brave space required to open up, enter, and transition with grace.

By giving the appropriate energy, presence, and focus to closure and transition, the richness of the experience of the past can be transformed into profound learnings and nutrients from which the next phase of your journey can emerge.

In our initial consultation (see below) we can see if this feels like a fit for you.

Program Options: 

Engagement includes 2 - 3 sessions, 1.5 - 2 hours each.

Contact us for a free 30 min consultation