Action Research Projects
Current Projects
Action Research Project 2021-2022
We are currently forming our next action research cohort around the topic of perception and how it informs the future we create. For example, how can widening the ways in which we perceive the world inform how we make meaning of situations and the narratives of the future?
We hypothesize that to contribute to a regenerative and healthy future, we must cultivate capacities to be with and include broader experiences of reality. How we create meaning and relate to our past experiences can inform the unfolding of our behaviors and actions.
Inquire here to learn more about how to be involved in our next research cycle.
Past Projects
Action Research Pilot 2020
In 2020, Collective Transitions initiated a pilot cohort for an action research study. We began with a query into systemic constellation practice, asking how systems sensing and systemic constellation might enable an organization to widen its collective capacities for navigating complexity.
Our interest in exploring the realm of collective capacities is rooted in our curiosity about:
what is possible when we can foster capacities between us;
how individual and collective capacities build on each other; and
how inner individual processes or states of being, assumptions and mindsets are mirrored in the outer world, as expressions and manifestations in our projects or teams.
In our pilot cohort, co-researchers from five societal change organizations came together through online gatherings dedicated to understanding the current challenges of the organization and their perception of complexity. During these gatherings, , the researchers practiced and tested systemic constellations as an embodied approach to building capacities for navigating complexity by surfacing implicit relational dynamics and patterns. The group engaged in reflecting and learning together.
Following the conclusion of this research, we submitted a journal article for publication. For more on this research, please contact us or stay tuned for updates on this web page.