In-person Intro Course in Switzerland: English
to May 25

In-person Intro Course in Switzerland: English

A practice to deepen our sensing capacities leading to wiser and more aligned actions

Join us for an introduction to Systemic Constellations, a 2.5 day in-person training in Switzerland. This course is open for leaders, activists, and change-makers who are working at the forefront of societal transformation. Systemic Constellations is a powerful tool for navigating complexity and helping teams move through intense dynamics with greater ease, efficiency and alignment.

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In-person Intro Course in Switzerland: Deutsch
to May 20

In-person Intro Course in Switzerland: Deutsch

Eine Praxis zur Vertiefung unserer Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten und dem effektiven Wirken in und mit sozialen Systemen (z.B. Organisationen, Projekten, …)

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Führungskräfte, Aktivisten und Change-Makers, die mit gesellschaftlichem Wandel in ihren jeweiligen Kontexten arbeiten. Systemische Aufstellung ist ein kraftvolles Instrument, um Komplexitäten von Systemen besser und ganzheitlicher zu verstehen und deren Herausforderungen mit mehr Leichtigkeit, Effizienz und einer klareren Ausrichtung anzugehen.

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Facilitator's Training: Systemic Constellation for Societal Change (8 sessions) (Time PST)
to May 11

Facilitator's Training: Systemic Constellation for Societal Change (8 sessions) (Time PST)

  • Google Calendar ICS

A practice to deepen our sensing capacities leading to wiser and more aligned actions.

Join us for a facilitator’s training to Systemic Constellations, a 8-part training series. This course is open for leaders, activists, and change-makers who are working at the forefront of societal transformation. In this experiential course, we deepen what Systemic Constellations for Societal Change work offers and requires from the role of the facilitator. We explore theory and frameworks of facilitating systemic constellations as well as tools needed to navigate complex fields during the process. The course prioritizes practice and experiential learning using methods of both online facilitation with human representatives and table top formats. Prerequisites include Intro to Systemic Constellations for Social Change Training or similar training.

8 Sessions


  • Module 1 and 2: Friday, 23rd and Saturday, 24th February 2024

  • Module 3 and 4: Friday, 15th and Saturday, 16th March 2024

  • Module 5 and 6: Friday, 5th and Saturday, 6th April 2024

  • Module 7 and 8: Friday, 10th and Saturday, 11th May 2024

Time: 9 am - 12:00 pm PST (San Francisco), 6 pm- 9:00 pm CET (Brussels)

Read more and register here >>

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Intro Training: Systemic Constellation for Societal Change (4 sessions) (Time PST)
9:00 AM09:00

Intro Training: Systemic Constellation for Societal Change (4 sessions) (Time PST)

A practice to deepen our sensing capacities leading to wiser and more aligned actions.

Join us for an introduction to Systemic Constellations, a 4-part training series. This course is open for leaders, activists, and change-makers who are working at the forefront of societal transformation. Systemic Constellations is a powerful tool for navigating complexity and helping teams move through intense dynamics with greater ease, efficiency and alignment.

A four-part training series:

November 1, 8, 15, 22

Time: 9 am - 11:00 am PST (San Francisco), 6 pm- 8:00 pm CET (Brussels)

Read more and register here >>

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Member Circle
9:00 AM09:00

Member Circle

Thank you members! You help this community stay vibrant. We invite you to a member circle to meet one another and explore synergies. Join us to: 

  • Reflect on what we have learned in our diverse practices space and what patterns we see emerge

  • Share stories of your experiments with your colleagues, clients, and friends

  • Explore what enlivens you of being part of this community and what you wish more/less of

  • Learn about how we are together and how we can support across places and topics  

  • Next steps as a CoP

Thursday, June 8th, 9am - 10:30 am PST

Email us for a zoom.

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Kiln Maintenance @ the Potter's house
9:00 AM09:00

Kiln Maintenance @ the Potter's house

What started as an experiment to “repattern and rewire habits and ways of being,” proved to be much more fundamental. Namely, it offered moments to reconnect to ourselves, regain trust and bring more aliveness to our gifts.

What’s next?

Join us to spin the wheel and craft up the next space, one that is in tune for the summer months.

Potter’s House Kiln Maintenance

June 5th

9am - 10:30 am PST

More info

or email us to join!

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Intro course: Systems sensing and visual writing
9:00 AM09:00

Intro course: Systems sensing and visual writing

Join us for an introduction to systems system and visual writing, a 3-part training series. This course is open to pioneers, change makers and leaders working in societal change. 

Systems sensing invites us to listen deeply to a system with all of our senses.  Visual writing enables us to stay present in an evolving experience, as we bring visual cues into shape and form, and create a visual map of the landscape we are exploring.  

Learn more

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Intro Training: Systemic Constellation for Societal Change - Series 2 (4 sessions)
9:00 AM09:00

Intro Training: Systemic Constellation for Societal Change - Series 2 (4 sessions)

An introduction to Systemic Constellations, a 4-part training series and practice to deepen our sensing capacities leading to wiser and more aligned actions.

This course is open for leaders, activists, and change-makers who are working at the forefront of societal transformation.

Dates: Tuesdays March 14th, March 21st, March 28th, & April 4th 2023

Time: 9 am - 11:00 am PST (San Francisco), 6 pm- 8:00 pm CET (Brussels)

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Repatterning @ the Potter's house
9:00 AM09:00

Repatterning @ the Potter's house

A creative space for repatterning

Meets weekly: Mondays and Fridays @ 9am PST / 6pm CET, 75 min

You’ve begun a new cycle. What needs your dedicated commitment? What practice(s) are calling to be nurtured regularly in a circle with others? 

The Potter’s house is an intentional space to establish new habits, rhythms and regenerative routines.

More info

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