What is Collective Transitions?
In order to (re)build an equitable world that promotes the flourishing of life, we need to both acknowledge and heal the past as well as co-create new patterns for the future. Collective Transitions offers a grounded approach for groups and facilitators to navigate these shifts, both as individuals and as collectives.
Our work is informed by a living systems perspective, surfacing the underlying currents that influence people’s thoughts, behaviors, and experiences. When all stakeholders are able to see and experience themselves as part of a larger whole, they are able to act more swiftly from a place of greater care and coherence.
Vision and Mission
Collective Transitions understands that the future does not lie ahead of us, but exists right here in our current ways of being. The patterns that are present now determine how the future will be. We envision a society that deeply respects and serves all forms of life, and we are building and refining a set of shared practices to facilitate a collective shift in this direction.
By expanding our perception, senses, and presence, we can become more adept at navigating the complexities and uncertainties of our time. Even in a situation that may feel like a crisis, we can move gently, with maturity, perseverance, and grace.
Our mission is to activate the dormant capacities that are required for navigating complexity. We provide awareness-based tools that amplify collective knowledge, and practice spaces where people can deepen and align their ways of working together.
Guiding Principles
These are the nurturing soil in which our work is rooted, the preconditions for doing the work, no matter where and no matter the scale.