This is an invitation for our friends and allies who work at the forefront of societal transformation. As a new year begins and winter calls us into introspection, the Peer Ally Retreat will invite to a time of reflection, collective sensemaking and replenishing our wells. We will come together and intentionally align – individually and collectively – for the year to come.
Calling questions:
How can we prepare for what 2020 brings? What is this new year asking of us?
How does our individual contribution overlap with the contributions of our peers and allies? How can we create more coherence between with our peers so that a larger unfolding can occur?
Why this gathering now?
Working at the forefront of social change can be both exciting and intense. Unfolding and cracking open, again and again, into one's full capacity requires presence, groundedness, and ongoing practice. As our global circumstances become increasingly complex, we are called to expand our field of coherence, lean into the regenerative dynamics of community, and learn with and from one another.
What will we do?
Collective reflection and presencing: We will offer a space for reflection, collective sensemaking, deep listening, and seeding intentions for the year to come.
Personal time: We will meditate, connect with nature and the subtle, share meals, and write in our journals.
Sharing practices: We will also explore several more advanced techniques such as deep circle practice, systemic constellation, and ancestral healing.
Exploring Greece!
Paleopolis in Andros Island, Greece
This retreat will take place in the village of Paleopolis, the ancient capital of Andros Island, Greece. Andros Island is in the Cyclades, a two-hour boat trip from Athens.
Today the beach and valley are protected as an archeological site, preserving remnants of different periods in Greek history, including devotional hymns to Isis as well as an Apollo temple. With its two rivers, the valley allows a sense of getting “lost” in its wildness, while the rest of the island’s sparse, volcanic geography supports a sense of mental clarity.
Space is limited, apply here.
General Costs TBA