The intensity of these times calls us to acknowledge our feelings and emotions, and to be present with them. Maybe we have encountered loss or feel a sense of being lost ourselves. With current events, we may feel greater anxiety or overwhelmed. The line between what I feel as an individual and what is of the collective may not be clear and may often be actually interdependent. We are invited to make space for all that is moving in ourselves and in the collective, in community, to process, metabolize and grieve.
The process of grieving is an act of life and an act for life. In this way, the process of grieving can be seen as a form of wanting to show connectedness, and creating a sacred space of love and care. Witnessing each other helps us to see how our realities are interconnected and that there is a common ground underneath our experiences. It calls for presence to acknowledge loss or what has changed in us or around us in our community.
We dedicate time and space to be with the intensity of these times, to presence and acknowledge change and to welcome a transition process of letting go. Join us at the following times:
Tuesday, November 10th: 9:30 am - 11 am PST
Monday, December 7th: 9:30 am - 11 am PST