SC1: Exercise 1
Before session 2, we invite you to keep being in practice and experimentation mode. Try the following exercise in pairs or triads with people from the training or friends who have training in Systemic Constellation.
Guiding Question (Sample)
You can start with a question such as:
“What is there for me to know about X?” X being a specific relationship to a person or work.
“What is this situation inviting me into?” This could be a current situation that feels top of mind or that you are in inquiry about.
Tips: What to be mindful of while crafting the questions and intention
Bring curiosity to crafting the question. Notice from which mindset you are coming from or speaking to.
Formulate a question that invites the potential of a situation to be welcomed versus just focusing on the problem or an urgency.
Ensure your question has a clear scope, which is not too big nor too small. “For example, trying to understand “the relationship between you and your mother” may be too broad. “What is there for me to know now about the relationship between myself and my mom?” which will bring up an aspect that has a priority.
While learning, it is good to go with something that doesn't overwhelm you as well as brings you gently past the bounds of what you already “know.”
Selecting the elements*
For now, we suggest that you use the following in each exercise:
Yourself or your higher self
A resource that feels supportive (person, quality, place,....)
The Unknown - that what is yet unnoticed, invisible to you
Main element I of this situation
Main element II of this situation
*We will share more about how to select elements in session 2.
Tips while selecting elements
In these exercises, try representing the chosen element for one another, so that the case giver is able to just listen and observe the movements. Witness each other and hold space for what is emerging for both the case giver and the person representing. As the one representing, share what you perceive, pick up and sense. Share how you are positioning yourself to the other elements and speak to those relationships to other aspects.
Start with the element that feels most alive or with the object that represents yourself. As you progress, see if there is a movement that wants to happen to feel more balanced or to do so, if there is something that would like to be named, acknowledged and/or expressed to one or several of the other elements.
Sensing into elements
You can do that either with paper on the floor and you step on or with objects. It's mapping out the underlying dynamics.
Tips while practicing:
Notice the quality of relationship: We are focusing on the elements and also the relationship between the elements (the space between).
Slowing down and trusting your inner guidance
Allowing: We suspend what we think we know and invite other ways of knowing to guide us during the process
While representing:
Consciously step into sensing the element
Use your Volume Button if necessary
Consciously de-roll
Journaling and Integration
After the exercise, we invite you to journal on the following questions:
What has been confirmed or affirmed?
What can I see more clearly?
What has surprised me and what does this surprise do to me?
Where do I hold back?
How am I invited to see a specific situation from another angle?