Building shared capacity for fostering and maintaining transformational shifts
In order to create meaningful impact, businesses, organisations and groups of all sizes must be able to navigate historically unprecedented levels of complexity and uncertainty. Collective Transitions offers a grounded set of transformational approaches and practices for groups and facilitators to better navigate these shifts. We are an action-learning and research hub working with a wide range of clients, especially social change and multi-stakeholder initiatives.
Refining the “how” to catalyze the “what.”
Who is Collective Transitions for?
Collective Transitions is for individuals and groups who are at the forefront of societal transformation.
Our focus
Collective Transitions focuses on the collective capacities needed for shifting mindsets, beliefs and deeply ingrained patterns.
Collective Transitions offers:
Spheres of work
Long-lasting, transformational, collective change requires attention to the following four interconnected spheres:
Restoring relationships and reconnecting with nature, place, and people
Healing history and getting wise to our cultural inheritance
Developing collective capacities and practices for navigating complexity
Creating spaces for cross-sector collaboration and learning
Why Collective?
Individual work creates a crucial base for a collective transformation, yet the collective still needs to go through its own transformative process as a whole.
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