Dates: Wednesdays, March 9th, March 23rd, April 6th, April 20th 2022
Time: 9am - 11am PST, 6pm-8pm CET
Systemic Constellation for societal change: A practice to deepen our sensing capacities leading to wiser and more aligned actions.
Join us for an introduction to Systemic Constellations, a 4-part training series. This course is open for leaders, activists, and change-makers who are working at the forefront of societal transformation. Systemic Constellations is a powerful tool for navigating complexity and helping teams move through intense dynamics with greater ease, efficiency and alignment.
The practice of Systemic Constellations allows us to visualize the patterns of interaction and interdependent relationships of a system. By making these dynamics visible, we widen our understanding and obtain a greater variety of choices in how we respond. By revealing what often goes unsaid or challenges that may lie hidden, Systemic Constellations can support leadership to identify leverage points for greater collaboration, as well as create and maintain greater coherence within complex systems.
System Constellations is a process of creating a model of a particular system in order to reveal and transform its hidden patterns. Developed by Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist, and strongly informed by his experience with the Zulu people of Southern Africa, this methodology originally focused on family systems. It was used to probe the deeper forces and patterns that influence an individual’s thoughts, behaviors and emotional experiences, many of which are influenced by forces acting through multiple generations.
Over time this approach has been applied to other human systems, including organizations, communities, and the world. We believe this is an essential practice for navigating complexity and creating conditions for healing.
In creating a constellation, we learn to more fully use our bodies as instruments of perception. Through this practice, we tap into our inherent capacities as human beings to pick up signals as information from the field. In this way, the practice offers a bridge between our capacity to sense and feel and our storytelling mind.
Each webinar will be 2.0 hours with a 10 minute break. (We encourage saving 30 minutes for integration time after the call) The training series includes:
Intro to Systemic Constellations:
power of representation
influence of place
aspects of time across generations
importance of intention and guiding question
Guidelines for how and when to apply these tools
Practice using tabletop objects
Homework between sessions
Optional practice space and coaching hours:
Peer-to-peer practice
1:1 coaching
Dates: Wednesdays, March 9th, March 23rd, April 6th, April 20th 2022
Time: 9am - 11 am PST, 6pm-8 pm CET
Sliding scale
Sliding scale is a method of offering pricing so that the offering is more accessible for people with a range of abilities to pay.
$350 - $450 sliding scale for 4 sessions
$450 Sponsor: This amount covers the cost of your attendance pus an extra amount towards others attending, helping to equalize the cost for everyone.
$400 Traditional: This amounts covers the cost of your attendance.
$350 Limited Resources: For those with limited financial resources.
Please send payment via paypal to or email for an invoice and other payment methods.
Need-based sponsorship available:
Collective Transitions wants to be sure that our work can be shared by all, not only those privileged with economic and other advantages. We are keeping a limited number of spaces open for those experiencing financial hardship. Please email us as soon as possible, as we have limited space available.
Luea Ritter has more than 10 years of experience as a Systemic Constellations practitioner. She has facilitated Systemic Constellations within organisations, teams, conferences, practitioner gatherings, colleges, retreats and healing workshops. As a member of a large international network of Systemic Constellations Practitioners, she explores and develops new edges of this practice and its applications in different contexts.
Register by filling out the form below and paying registration fee via paypal to Once we receive payment we will send additional course details. Thank you!
Thank you! We look forward to collaborating. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out here.