The Knowing Field and Field Awareness
Systemic Constellations take place in an energetic field that connects family, ancestors, organizational members, the natural world and all of humanity. This "knowing field" is a conscious energy that we all can be in dialogue with through an embodied approach and experience the feelings and sensations that mirror those of the real family members that we may represent and everyone and everything to which we are connected.
We are part of and are surrounded by a multitude of dynamics and information, inputs and story lines. Nothing is lost even if it's invisible to us.
Each system is an ecology, a biotope that has multiple relationships and inter-connection. We can’t exclude aspects or elements that belong to a given system, no matter how active or passive, visible or invisible.
British biologist Rupert Sheldrake explains this field phenomenon, which he calls a “morphogenetic field,” as an organizing force that accounts for patterns of behavior in social groups, such as schools of fish and flocks of birds.
Dr. Albrecht Mahr first used the term “the knowing field" to describe this energy field as it applies to human family systems. He referred to the experience through which volunteers in a constellation session access information about a family system as “representative perception."
During a Systemic Constellation after having clarified the guiding question and intention of the session as well as the core-elements to represent, representatives begin to take on the essential qualities of who or what they are representing, and begin to sense thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations through the “knowing field”. They are able to reveal what is true even if they have no prior knowledge of what has occurred in the past.
A key part of the Systemic Constellation process is the use of healing or acknowledging sentences that speak the essential truth of entanglements or issues. There can also be powerful sentences that bring a resolution and a compassionate restoration of balance to the system. These sentences are transformative when spoken at the right moment.