Call for Submissions // Collective publication on systems sensing approaches.

Building trust, amplifying collective knowledge, and aligning ways of working together

How have you used systems sensing in your work or personally? What has worked well, and what have you learned along the way? Are there shareable resources so we can introduce these awareness-based practices to wider audiences?

We’ve seeded and tracked these questions over the past years in our community and wider networks, and we’ve been inspired by the responses so far. We wondered what collective efforts toward a shared resource publication could create, amplify and foster across sectors, place and scale.

First edition book details 

A practice guide and introduction to systems sensing

This initial edition to the systems sensing series will be a practice guide for practitioners and beginners, including others who want to apply the wisdom of systems to their lives and work. The book will provide an introduction to systems sensing as a field of practice and an inquiry-driven approach we call the explorative sensing journey. It will include a collection and glossary of creative methods for individuals and teams.  By showing a variety of applications and creative uses of systems sensing, this book aims to make the practice more accessible and spark inspiration for other diverse contexts, sectors, and sizes. Future editions in the series may feature different methods or focus on specific themes or aspects of this work.

We plan to create the first publication of a series this summer and release it in the Fall of 2024. If you are interested in sharing your experiential knowledge and being included in an edition but are not ready this summer, there will be opportunities to contribute in the future. 

Share an intent to submit by July 15th

Would you like to contribute to this collective publication? Do you have examples of systems sensing applications to share with a wider audience? We’d love to hear more.



Timeline and key dates 

  • June 26th: Intro call*

  • July 5: Deadline for intent to submit 

  • August 12th: Deadline for submissions 

  • October 1st: Send to publisher  

* Please reach out for recordings of the intro call.


Final submissions are due August 12th

General instructions for submission. More details to come.

1 – TITLE: 

NAME of the intervention, focus, or overarching goal 


Here, describe why this practice is powerful or in which context this practice is useful.


Is this an individual or group case? 


Name the calling question and elements you used in the specific application. 

Tips: You may want to add tips for the audience to share why you chose specific elements or what they might do as an alternative. What are the things the reader needs to consider for this design? 


How was it used, and what is the story behind the example? Introduce and summarize the case background, application, and key learning. You may want to change the names of people or organizations for confidentiality purposes. 

Here, you can illustrate the use of the methods through a project of yours or a case study to show the reader how it was or can be applied. What were the key learning points from some of the elements or as a whole? 

What capacities were utilized or cultivated along the way?* 

6- BIO: 

Names and a brief bio of the author(s) and case presenter(s). 

* Reach out for some examples of capacities if you need support. 



Compose a Google doc entry and submit it to For review, please ensure commenting rights are turned on.  

If possible, it is desirable to attach photos or a graphic (square image preferred) that additionally visually creates an atmosphere and sense of the system or illustrates the outcomes of the sensing exercise.

Important note: Please provide a high-resolution image to ensure its suitability for publication. If you are not the author of the photo, you must have copyright permission to publish it.